This website provides tutorials, exercises and videos for Information Systems instructors interested in developing courses for teaching students about Internet of Things. All exercises come in an editable (often MS Word or Powerpoint) format so instructors can customize exercises as they see fit. The current contents are:
The Arduino MKR 1000/Nano RP 2040 Connect Series: A set of exercises based on the Arduino MKR 1000 IoT and Nano RP 2040 Connect Bundles. Most exercises expose students to the various components of the bundle. The MKR 1000 bundle used to be the standard IoT bundle distributed by Arduino. In November 2022, Arduino switched the standard board in the kit to the Nano RP 2040 Connect.
The MKR 1000 supports C++ as a programming language. The RP 2040 supports both C++ and Python. It is assumed students are more comfortable with Python, and hence instructions for the RP 2040 are in Python.
Raspberry Pi: A set of exercises based on the Raspberry Pi family of computer single-boards.
Node Red: A set of exercises based on the Node Red scripting framework used to connect IoT devices.
Cisco Packet Tracer: A set of exercises using Cisco Packet Tracer network simulation software.
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