Decomposition is a process of applying transformation rules to ER diagrams to make them into
relational database tables. This is a topic of particular interest to me, because
most instructors and textbooks use the transformation rules specified in the pioneering work
on the subject- Teorey et al. 1986. The problem is the field has moved on since then.
This section provides a more modern approach to decomposition.
The decomposition rules I employ are found here. These serve as a useful handout to students,
explaining each rule in detail.
This video introduces the basic rules for decomposition where we have [entity set]-<relationship set>-[entity set]. Note especially for the 1:1 and 1:M relationship types, these are not the rules you'll find in most textbooks. I go through each rule in detail and explain why we employ each rule.
Following decomposition rules is much easier than normalization. So why do normalization at all?
This video describes situations where decomposition gives an incompletely normalized database.